​phone: 705-220-1710
fax: 705-717-7560
You have reached an inactive page
May 8, 2022
It has come to our attention that people are posting an old link to this page on Facebook as evidence that we are accepting new patients. We are not accepting new patients. Dr. Dawson and Dr. Furtado's practices are closed. This page is hidden on our website and only accessible to those who have a saved, now outdated, link. This page is maintained in the event that we re-open either practice to new patients and for our own reference.
Accepting New Patients Ages 65+ ONLY
We are currently processing all received new patient applications. For individuals age 64 and below, we have temporarily paused accepting new patient applications, because the wait time for an intake appointment is approximately 6 to 8 months. We will update this space when we have processed our received applications and have opened up more intake appointments.
Patients ages 65 and above may continue to submit new patient applications. The wait time for an intake appointment is 3 to 4 months.
Please note that we do not accept applications from individuals who are already registered with a physician.
If you do not have a physician and wish to become a patient at the NFHC, your first step is to download and complete this form:
Incomplete submissions will not be contacted for an intake appointment. Please leave your completed form in the drop box at the front entry or our office.
Once your paperwork has been received we will call you to set up a telephone meet & greet appointment with one of our doctors. Due to high demand for our physicians, first contact from our administrators may take several months.
Submitting an application does NOT mean that you have a guaranteed spot with a family physician. This will be determined AFTER your first meet & greet appointment.
We understand that you may have questions about joining the practice. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, the best way to reach us is by phone or email.
Please keep in mind that email communication over the internet is not secure. Although it is unlikely, there is a possibility that information you include in an email may be intercepted and read by other people besides the person to whom it is addressed. Please be aware of these risks when you include personal identifying information such as your birth date, health card number, or other sensitive medical information in any email you send.